Our Services

Environment Friendly Recycling
To be not only out of your sight but also out of your mind! If you think like so, then you are wrong because No Waste is actually a waste. Everything e-Waste has potential to be reused.....

EPR Implementation Services
As per the new E-Waste (Management) Rules 2016, it has become mandatory for bulk consumers, producers and manufacturers of all electrical and electronic.....

Data Destruction & Sanitisation
Do you realize that there are certain things than can be more damaging to your organization than even the loss of proprietary information or breach of a client’s trust…?....

Handling of Hazardous Substances
Do you know what Hazardous Substances are? "Hazardous Substances are left-over material in electrical and electronic equipments.....

Metal Recovery & Refining
"Metal Recovery & Refining is a crucial part of e-Waste Treatment. While it helps in diverting solid wastes and in supporting zero landfill initiatives, it also helps eliminate....

Cable Recycling
Unlike the Americas and Europe, Cable Recycling has not yet picked-up pace in India. And, many only around 10% disposals are done to Organized Recyclers. Again, with the......

Reverse Logistics
Have you ever thought of means for benefiting your company with its scraps? No… well, we can tell you how!! For this you just need to run your scraps backward through the....